Aarhus University Seal


Nå (straight intonation)

The Danish particle  (generally /nʌ/) serves many different functions. Among these is free standing nå→, which is spoken in a turn by itself and which has straight intonation.

The free standing nå→ functions as a continuer. It can occur multiple places in a turn. Therefore it can occur in overlap with another speakers turn since the interactional function is to show that the person, who utters it, is still paying attention and understands what the other speaker is saying. If this is followed by a pause in the speech of the other speaker, the turn can be taken, but otherwise the other speaker keeps his or her turn.

This is an example of with straight intonation:

Dette er et eksempel på med jævn intonation:

Kilder og yderligere læsning

Den Danske Ordbog (DDO). Online Danish dictionary on .

Ordbog over Dansk Talesprog (ODT). Dictionary of Danish spoken language Entry on .

Femø-Nielsen (2002) gives a concise overview of different uses of

Heritage (1984) is quite an elaborate analysis yse af oh's functions in English

Local (1996) is an elaporate analysis of the meaning of oh's prosody in English

Steensig (2001) has a quite extensive section on prosody in Danish

Steensig m.fl. (2013) has a section with a more thorough analysis of nå with both straight intonation and rising intonation. 

Related entries

The Building Blocks of Talk-in-interaction > Word classes/Parts of speech > Interjections and particles 

The Building Blocks of Talk-in-interaction > Sounds > Prosody

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