Så (change of topic-marker)
Words like nå and så (roughly translates to ’well’ and ’so’) and constructions like nå men can function as markers one uses to change the conversation topic. Such a marker can therefore be used to show that the speaker wishes the current topic of the conversation to end and return to or introduce a new topic.
The excerpt below illustrates this use of så. The excerpt originates from a recording of a band that is practicing in their studio for a concert. Dennis is currently adjusting some sounds on a computer while Nicolai and Lars are joking with each other and are playing randomly on their instruments in the lines 12-16.
With S::Å in line 7, Dennis announces a wish to change the topic. The others stop playing and a break follows which lasts 0.9 seconds. Now D introduces a new topic in lines 09-11 which the others pick up on in lines 12-13.
Sources and further reading
Kragelund & Mikkelsen (2010) show in their Bachelor thesis how musicians in a rehearsal room switches between everyday talk and institutional talk.
Related entries
The Building Blocks of Talk-in-interaction > Word Classes/Parts of speech > Interjections and particles
Social Actions > Opening and closing activities > Change of activity